This section includes information related to the general conditions of access and use of the Website that must be known by the user, for the purposes provided for in the Law 34/2002, of 11 July, on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce.
The use of this website and its contents are subject to this Legal Notice.
Without prejudice to the holder of the domain name is the entity Fridge Logistic Hungary Kft, it is reported that the domain is assigned for its use with the following group companies Fridge Logistic Hungary Kft with residence, which are:
Therefore, when browsing this website, it is possible to access websites operated by these service providers. The website and the aforementioned pages that depend upon it is called hereinafter collectively the "Web Site".
The access to this website is the sole responsibility of the users and supposed to know and accept the legal warnings, terms, and conditions of use that contains.
If the user does not agree with the content of the present general conditions of navigation, they must leave the website and you will not be able to access it or dispose of the services it offers.
The user guarantees that he is over 16 years old. It also guarantees the veracity and authenticity of the information communicated as a result of the contracting of the services required in the user's registration and is also obliged to keep this information updated. The connections with other websites that may have, as well as the use that the user can make them, are subject to the present general conditions and the conditioning possible specific requiring the aforementioned websites. Any use other than that authorized is expressly prohibited.
The use of the Web Site implies full acceptance by the user of all the General Conditions of Use of the Website in force at any time at which the user accedes to the same so that if it does not agree with any of the conditions established herein, you should not use this Web Site. Fridge Logistic Hungary Kft reserves the right to modify at any time the present General Conditions of Use of the Website as well as any other general or particular conditions, regulations of use, instructions or warnings resulting from implementation. Also, Fridge Logistic Hungary Kft reserves the right to suspend, interrupt or cease to operate the Web Site at any time.
The services offered on the Web Site go to residents in Europe. All those natural or legal persons resident or domiciled in other countries of the European Union or outside the European Union must ensure that the access and use of the Web Site and/or its content is permitted in accordance with its own legislation. In any case, access and use of the Website by a user who does not comply with the requirement of residence in Europe are understood to be carried out under his sole responsibility, exempting Fridge Logistic Hungary Kft of any liability in so far as permitted by applicable law.
Fridge Logistic Hungary Kft ago know that the improper use of the trademark Fridge Logistic Hungary Kft for the request of transport services can occasionally occur through companies or individuals without a relationship with Fridge Logistic Hungary Kft. Fridge Logistic Hungary Kft does not approve these practices and is not in accordance with these companies or individuals responsible for this conduct. Fridge Logistic Hungary Kft assumes no responsibility for any loss, expense or inconvenience suffered derived from this type of fraud by the unauthorized use of the mark Fridge Logistic Hungary Kft. If you are not sure of being in an official website and genuine Fridge Logistic Hungary Kft or want to confirm the correct information of a contact, we invite you to contact your local office of Fridge Logistic Hungary Kft for verification. You will find all the contact details of the official offices Fridge Logistic Hungary Kft and agents in the web page
The user undertakes to make proper use of the services and/or the contents of the website and not to use them for illegal activities or constituting an offense and/or which infringe the provisions of this legal notice, in the regulation on intellectual or industrial property, or in any other rule of law, morality and generally accepted good practices and public order The use which is made of the information contained in this website is the sole responsibility of the user.
The user guarantees the authenticity and the veracity of all data communicated to Fridge Logistic Hungary Kft through the various online forms and is responsible for any inaccuracy or lack of veracity of the information provided.
Also, to title merely declarative and in no case be limited or exclusive, the user undertakes not to enter, or copy, or transmit, or permit, or disseminate:
Fridge Logistic Hungary Kft cannot control the use that users make of the website and their contents, and for this reason is not responsible for damages of any nature that may arise from an illicit use, incorrect, inadequate or partial and/or the failure to perform the user of these terms and conditions of access and use, as well as any other condition that can be found in this website with regard to any of its services, without prejudice, in any case, the legal actions that correspond to Fridge Logistic Hungary Kft and/or to third parties.
Fridge Logistic Hungary Kft cannot guarantee the permanent availability and continuity in regard to the functioning of the website, nor to the information, content, software, materials or products that this includes.
In this way, excludes any liability for damages of any kind that may derive from the lack of availability or continuity of the functioning of the website, its services and the use that users may make of him.
In any case, Fridge Logistic Hungary Kft will undertake all possible efforts to maintain continuous availability of this website.
Also, Fridge Logistic Hungary Kft is not responsible for the possible errors or security deficiencies which may occur by the use by the user of a browser with a version not updated or unsafe, as well as the activation of the devices of conservation of keys or identification codes of the registered user in the browser, or the damage, the errors or inaccuracies that may arise from a bad use or operation.
The user accepts that the website has been created and developed in good faith by Fridge Logistic Hungary Kft with information from internal and external sources and offers it in its current state to the users, despite that could include inaccuracies or errors. For this reason, the user exonerates Fridge Logistic Hungary Kft, of any liability with regard to the reliability, usefulness or false expectations that the website would cause during navigation.
In the event that the user might cause any type of damage or injury to third parties, this user is the only responsible for this. Furthermore, the user shall be responsible for all the costs and, if applicable, the allowances that may derive from judicial proceedings motivated by a failure to comply with the established in the present conditions and in the applicable regulations.
The establishment of the Link to external web pages does not imply in any case the existence of any relation between Fridge Logistic Hungary Kft and the owner and/or operator of the website on which it is established, nor the knowledge, acceptance and/or approval by Fridge Logistic Hungary Kft of its contents and/or services. Fridge Logistic Hungary Kft, in any case, be liable for any consequences resulting from the introduction of links by third parties, or of the functionality, the contents, information and/or services offered on the websites in which the link has been established.
In order to reduce the risk of virus infection on the website, Fridge Logistic Hungary Kft uses virus detection programs to control all content that you enter in the Web site. However, does not guarantee the absence of viruses or other elements in the Web Site introduced by third parties that may cause alterations in the physical or logic systems of the users or the electronic documents and files stored on their systems. Accordingly, shall in no event be liable for any damages of any nature that may arise from the presence of viruses or other elements that may cause alterations in the physical or logic systems, electronic documents or files of the users.
Fridge Logistic Hungary Kft adopts various protective measures to protect the site and its content against computer attacks by third parties. However, Fridge Logistic Hungary Kft does not guarantee that unauthorized third parties may have access to the type of use of the Website that makes the user or the conditions, characteristics, and circumstances in which such use.
The access to the services offered through the website is free and does not require, in general, the previous subscription or the registration of users, without prejudice that to access certain services it is possible that it is required Pre-fill the corresponding user registration. The username and password are element identifiers and enablers to access the services and are personal and not transferable.
To these effects, the access to restricted areas and/or the use of the content carried out under the key of a registered user is deemed to have carried out by the registered user, who will respond in any case of such access and use. Registered users may modify their password at any time by means of a request addressed to Fridge Logistic Hungary Kft. In case of forgetting of the key or any other circumstance that poses a risk of access and/or use by an unauthorized third party, the registered Users shall immediately inform IE so that it proceeds immediately to the blockade and replacement of the same.
All contents of the website (including, without limitation, databases, images, drawings, graphics, text files, maps, frames, báneres, software and its various source codes, audio and video), as well as the same website as visual presentation, are the property of Fridge Logistic Hungary Kft or its content suppliers, which have been, in the latter case, be the subject of license or concession on their part, and are protected by national and international standards of intellectual and industrial property. The compilation (as such, collection, design, management and assembly) of all the contents of the website is the exclusive property of Fridge Logistic Hungary Kft.
All software used on the use and development of the website is the property of Fridge Logistic Hungary Kft or its software suppliers and is protected by national and international laws on intellectual and industrial property.
It is prohibited to any user, without the prior written authorization of Fridge Logistic Hungary Kft of holders of intellectual property rights or other property of the contents, without limitation, the realization of the following acts, both with respect to the website and its contents:
Notwithstanding the foregoing, the user can view freely the website and its content and download for personal and non-commercial use, without being able to be extended to third persons or entities, either free of charge or onerous.
Accordingly, the provision and the use of databases, images, drawings, graphics, text files, audio and video and software owned by Fridge Logistic Hungary Kft or its suppliers, contained in the website and any other content, does not imply, in any case, the transfer of title or the granting of a right of use in favor of the user.
The marks, signs, the distinctive signs or logos which appear on the website are owned by Fridge Logistic Hungary Kft or have been the subject of license or transfer by its owner and are duly registered or in the process of registration. The unauthorized use or misuse of these elements is an infringement of industrial property rights of Fridge Logistic Hungary Kft or other third owners.
By using this Web Site, the user accepts that the whole or part of the information or communications we send are electronic. When appropriate, we will get in touch with the user by e-mail or provide you with information hanging notices on this web page. For contractual purposes, the user consents to the use this electronic means of communication and recognizes that every contract, notification, information and other communications that we send you electronically comply with the legal requirements to be in writing. This condition will not affect their rights recognized by law.
Fridge Logistic Hungary Kft ensures that the contents of this web site are not of pornographic, xenophobic, discriminatory, racist, defamatory or encourage violence. It also seeks to avoid any circumstance which may be harmful to users.
In the event that any user or third party considers that there are facts or circumstances that reveal the illegal nature of the use of any content and/or the realization of any activity on the websites included on or accessible through this website and, in particular, The violation of the rights of industrial or intellectual property or other rights, should send a notification to Fridge Logistic Hungary Kft which shall contain the following information:
Personal data of the person claiming: name, address, telephone number and email address.
Specification of the alleged unlawful activity and the precise indication and concrete of the protected content, as well as its location in the web pages.
In the event of a violation of rights: personal data of the holder of the rights allegedly violated or the person authorized to represent it and its signature.
The statement expresses, clear and under the responsibility of the claimant that the information provided in the notification is accurate and illegal nature with regard to the use of the content or to the realization of the described activities.
The User recognizes and accepts that Fridge Logistic Hungary Kft will be able to use cookies when a User sails along the Web site. The user can configure the browser to notify and reject the installation of cookies sent by Fridge Logistic Hungary Kft, without affecting the ability of the user to access content. To better understand the scope of the use of cookies on the Web Site We recommend that you visit our Cookie Policy, which may be amended by Fridge Logistic Hungary Kft at any time.
In the website have not been included links to other web pages of entities outside Fridge Logistic Hungary Kft assumes no liability for their content, as well as nor the products or services offered and the possible viruses and malware (malicious software) that may contain.
© 2022 Fridge Logistic Hungary Kft - All rights reserved. Last Updated: February 2022